Special CEP Applications

The DH-132 helmet is used by personnel operating armor vehicles, i.e. Abrams, Bradley, HMMWV, STYKER. These helmets are normally comprised of an outer shell, inner liner and a communications kit. Since these vehicles emit high levels of continuous (on the march) and impact (weapons fire) noise, the communications earplug interface with the DH-132 provides superior hearing protection and communication for the commander, driver, and gunner team while operating these military systems.

The communications earplug has been interfaced with a number of different types of motorcycle helmets to increase hearing protection and enhance communication during racing or recreational riding. Each application may vary because of internal helmet configuration and communications equipment. If you believe your riding helmet would be improved by this type of addition, please contact our company so that we can discuss you requirement.

The Automobile Racing Community has utilized the communication earplug in its helmets to communication and decrease sustained noise exposure. Track and pit noise levels are extreme during race operations. Driver and pit crew equipped with CEP can maintain noise-free communication, while enhancing auditory comfort and safety during racing operations.

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